Monday, 1 June 2009


Alan Cousin was at Dens from 1955 to 1965, and as a consequence, has him in Dundee's top 10 longest serving players of all time with a whopping 384 appearances. Being a striker, he has also banged in rather a lot of goals in his time - 141 to be precise - the club's 4th highest scorer. He was the Dees top scorer 3 seasons on the trot - 1957/58 - 1958/59 - 1959/60. The era he played saw him win the Scottish League title in 1962 and take part in the following famous European Cup run. In 1959 he represented Scotland twice at international level.
The above photo was taken in his final year with Dundee in 1965.


  1. Keep all the Dundee info coming, it doesnt get the same amount of comments as Retro Dundee but make me very every time you add something new x

  2. Barney Thomson19 June 2009 at 15:30

    Alan Cousin played in the greatest ever Dundee side with the likes of Gillie, Ure, Seith, Smith, etc. In my opinion, he was the best athlete of them all and without him we should never have had the success we did.
    He was also oustanding at cricket and hockey, never signed full time papers and went on to a distinguished career in education.
    Truly Dundee's "Renaissance Man"

  3. Been following retro dundee for a while and just found this again keep up the good work well done.

  4. More than just a footballer,he was an academic with a degree from St.Andrews University and he also taught at Dundee High School.

  5. He was my one of my Classics teacher . Had the enjoyment of playing with him in a teachers/pupils match. Best player I have ever played with !

  6. I saw Alan last week in his home town of Alloa. He is looking really well and still carries himself tall and upright with the bearing of an athlete.It always a pleasure to meet him.

  7. Alan was my classics teacher and form tutor for many years at Alloa Academy. He was always truly respected by all.
