Friday, 10 September 2010


This is DFC Chairman, James Gellatly, keeping a close eye on the Scottish League Championship trophy in 1962.
Wonder how much the club spent on Duraglit that year?!


Shilton said...

Is that the DJ Jim Gellatly's dad? Also, did the Gellatly's 'own' Dundee FC? I don't seem to remember them being high-profile (in Dundee) owners like the Marrs etc but maybe they were and I was just too young to be aware of it...

Jim Gellatly said...

James R Gellatly was my grandfather. Ian Gellatly was my Dad.

Anonymous said...

I was apprenticed to James R Gellatly CA in Dundee from 1959 to 1964. Ian was a friend.

Anonymous said...

My name is Innes Carr.